Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Miracle Condiment: Salsa

Often I'm faced with a challenge for lunch. Its one of the hardest meals to come up with for me. Often times I just skip it all together. Sometimes I just want a sandwhich. But I get sick of just cold cuts and lettuce with cheese sometimes. But I always have a fix for that boring sandwhich.

Most times I call on the aid of an awesome condiment: Salsa. Its simple but effective. I dice up or break up whatever meat I'm working with. I stick it in a pan with a little bit of butter and cheese. Then I add salsa. I keep it on a low heat. The meats already cooked. No need to do that again. Enough to warm it up and loose some of the liquid from the salsa. Also melting the cheese. That is important too.

Usually I just let it go for a while and pop in some bread into the toaster oven. Let that toast for a bit. Add butter to it too. Can't forget the butter. Realistically I mean you could skip the butter but why?

Salsa and cheese and lunch meats go well together. It may not look the best but it sure tastes good. Also feel free to season as you see fit. Black pepper is usually a good and safe choice. Think of it like an easy Sloppy Joe. With some spice if you got a hot salsa.

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